Unite, connect, honor, and care for families now
Join today to improve the health of moms and babies everywhere.
Help us ensure that families have healthy pregnancies and strong babies:
Start with a self-donation
Others are more likely to donate and follow your lead if you’ve donated first.
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Update your story
Share why you’re participating with a personal story in a photo or video to encourage others to join, spread the word, and support our cause.
Update your storyHave fun while you fundraise
Are you a remote worker looking for ways to make your fundraising virtual? Here are a few ways to take your fundraising virtual and have your team still be part of something big.
Game break
Have a game night virtually or in person to play board games, charades, bingo, trivia, or have a scavenger hunt. Charge an "entrance" fee.
Video free break
Instead of a traditional Jeans Day, where staff pay to wear jeans, make it a day with no video during virtual meetings so attendees can feel free to dress down.
Put together a breakfast with a high-level executive at your company. This can happen at the office or in the comfort of your own home via Zoom.